Sunday, April 03, 2005


It seems that in the past few days I have nothing happy to write about. At 530am this morning I was awakened by a call from Vince. As soon as I saw who was calling, I had a feeling that this was it...the pope has left us. Vince called because he knew that I was really following the updates, even downloading the CNN application on my mobile that updates the headlines every 4mins. I actually set my alarm the night before to 430am so I can check the state of the pope's health. I had the feeling that he won't pass away during the night, Philippine time. I woke up at 430 but no update. I slept again. And then the call came. I rushed to my parents' room to turn on the TV. At first the breaking news was still about the health of the pope. But then it changed to the pope has died at 937pm, Rome time.
I couldn't help but cry again. It was like losing a really close friend. I felt bad that I wasn't "there" when it happened. They said in the news that the bell began to toll in St. Peter's Square which signalled the sad event. People were crying and knowing myself, I also began to cry.
It's still surreal. It's as if life is normal but isn't. A big change happened and I felt that change inside me too. I'll let you in on this once I understand it myself.



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