Tuesday, December 28, 2004

December Disasters

Unbelievable. The devastation that the different Asian countries experienced this holiday season has been really unbelievable. Here in the Philippines, we had 4 strong storms in a span of 2 weeks (26 storms had already passed through the country in 2004) in the early part of this month. The people in the north didn't even have time to let their losses (family and livelihood) sink in when a stronger storm, Nanmadol, claimed another thousand lives. Sad how the country gets featured in the international news because of the disasters. And now to hear that millions of people from 10 different countries share the same tragedy a day after Christmas has been heartbreaking. Death toll is now around 22,000 with a lot more people missing and unaccounted for.

I can't help but also marvel, a feeling that goes hand in hand with the fear, at the strength and awesome power of nature. Imagine the earth having it's own natural explosions and "bombs" that surpass man's creations. That's why it's stupid of man to think he has control and ownership over nature and its resources, and that he can discover and harness all its secrets.


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