Wednesday, December 29, 2004

What Flavour Am I?

Haha! Buzz buzz! I got this from anneanne's blog

What Flavour Are You? I taste like Peanut Butter.

I taste like Peanut Butter.

I am one of the most blendable flavours; I go with sweet, I go with sour, I go with bland, I go with anything. I am practical and good company, but have something of a tendency to hang around when I'm not wanted, unaware that my presence is not welcome.
(If you were not Peanut Butter you would be Coffee.)

What Flavour Are You? Buzz buzz, I am Coffee flavoured.

Buzz buzz, I am Coffee flavoured.

I am popular in the workplace, even though I am often bitter. I am energetic to the point of being frenetic; buzz buzz, out of my way. I tend to overwork myself and need periods of recovery time.
What Flavour Are You?


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