Tuesday, July 12, 2005

Road less travelled

What should I do with my life? I am both just and already 26. Just 26 means that I still have that teeny little window of time where I can drop whatever I am doing and move on to the next. Already 26 however stops me in my tracks...a quarter of a century and a year later, what can I list as my accomplishments?! I heard one of my "younger" friends (younger meaning 25 years old) say that it's still pardonable if you don't know what to do with your life at 25, but if at 26 you're still lost, then goodluck to you! I could have strangled her right there and then at the bar but I just smiled politely and counted from 1 to 10.

Why am I ranting again about the state of my life - career-wise? These past few days had been really bad for me at work. I can really truly say that I feel my hair turning gray. Is it all worth it? Am I really for a corporate job? The past few months had me thinking of shifting careers. Scary thought!

I can honestly say that I'm selfish and materialistic (but not extreme). I'd like a nice house to live in, beautiful luxury cars, a vacation home in Italy, send my future kids to great schools and be able to give them anything they want (foreign trips, laptops, ipods, the works!). Continuing on the corporate track may guarantee me these things and don't get me wrong, I'm enjoying what I'm doing. But my heart is also leaning towards a humanitarian direction. This type of career means probably living out of a suitcase, expecting less monetary compensation, and maybe receiving less recognition. How can I balance the 2 dreams I have? :(

Night after night I've been praying that God will guide me to the right direction. I hope that when that time comes, I'll be ready to take a step in that direction and follow.


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