I hate Vince...he passed on his virus to me. I haven't been sick since late last year and I hate him for breaking my record. Worse, it's sore throat!!! AAARRRGGGHH!!I'm browsing the net for jobs. I'm currently answering the profile in the UN website. I want to apply for a humanitarian position but I'm not qualified :( Gonna try anyway. Won't hurt. I'll be 26 in 18 days and I still don't know what to do with my life :( That's scary. Well I do know that I want to help people and get rich. Now how to do that...I don't like being sick!! Waaaahhh!!
Ever since the most stressful 2 weeks of my life happened last month, I've learned to appreciate and LOVE Fridays. I always look forward to the moment the hand strikes 5. It only means the night is mine to plan as I please, no worries. It's 1134 tonight, Friday and:1. I'm lying on my tummy while surfing and blogging2. airconditioner is on (summer is at its hottest!)3. I'm watching the NBA semi-finals (Reggie's last game and they lost :( )4. my phones are beside me and I'm texting Vince who is in Hong Kong5. and my newly updated Ipod is also beside meWhat more can I ask for? I try to prolong the day that's why I sleep so late on Friday nights. Saturdays seem to go by so fast, don't you think?Random thought: I want to go back to Rome!
Much needed break
Went to Singapore last May 6 and stayed there until May 9. We took Jetstar Asia since it was the cheapest flight from Manila. The departure times from Manila and from Singapore weren't so hot. We left Manila at 1220 noon and then the flight from Singapore back was 750 am. What the heck. For Php 14,000- roundtrip tickets, the 2 full days we spent there were worth it (roughly $250. Tickets for bigger commercial flights such as Sing Air cost twich as much). I was even able to pay for my brother's tix :) We stayed at the Marriott in Orchard Road. How can I afford a 3-night stay there, you ask. I used my parents' Marriott Vacation Club points. Hehe!It was a very much welcome short vacation for me. The past 2 weeks were really stressful. It came to a point where the moment I woke up, I'll have butterflies in my stomach, wondering what new problem will arise at work. I think I a few more days of stress would have triggered my ulcer again. Actually I was beginning to feel the tummyaches. Anyways, I really enjoyed the trip. It was the first time that my brother and I travelled without the 'rents! Woohoo! We had to really push ourselves though to maximize the days. TO DO LIST1. Visit kuya and Lou. My cousin has been staying with his family in Singapore for the past 8 years. Had dinner with them Friday and Saturday nights. It was cool that Ninang and Tito Tony (kuya's parents) were there too! Too bad though we didn't get to see Ally :(2. Scour the country for toys. Haha! My bro Chicco wanted to get toys he can sell while Vince, who by the way went with us, wanted to get toys for himself.3. Tour. Went to Sentosa for a 2-hour tour Saturday. Rode the cable car and man, was it scary! We were about 700 meters above ground! I wanted to take the night safari at the zoo but our bodies couldn't take it anymore. We were paralyzed from the waist down! Legs couldn't move at all and we had to walk around until 1230am :p4. SHOP, SHOP, SHOP. No explanations needed! Taka is the plaaace to beeee...Aside from being a bonding session between my bro and me and between bro and bf, it was also a bonding experience between boss and me... And of course, being Gomezes, my brother and I had our share of embarrassing experiences on foreign soil :pPosting some pix..
Chicco and me in Suntec
Seaweed or Seahorse?